Zaschka is a new Fleckvieh sire with high Milk Yield and Protein %.
He will breed powerful production cows with excellent udders and good feet and legs.
He also excels in udder health, good milkability and long service life.
He comes from a well known family from the Obermeier breeding farm, which is characterised by outstanding udder quality.
His mother convinces with a long and well attached fore udder and high rear udder. She combines high milk yield with the typical strength and robustness of the Fleckvieh breed. Within 305 days, she produced 12,040 liters at 4,00 % fat and 3.6 % protein.
Dam is currently in the second lactation – just passed the 300th day last week and still produces 35 liters a day with 4.70 % fat and 3.60 % protein.